
De titels zijn in grote meerderheid van auteurs uit de Himalaya Traditie. Het betreft hier niet een lijst van verplichte literatuur voor de docentenopleiding of de intensieve yogastudies. De titels die voorafgegaan worden door een code kunnen worden besteld. Ga hiervoor naar ‘Shop’. Deze literatuurlijst is verdeeld in zeven secties:

  1. Swami Veda Bharati
  2. Swami Rama
  3. Swami Nityamuktananda
  4. Pandit Rashmani Tigunait
  5. David Frawley
  6. Overige auteurs
  7. Ayurveda / Yoga & Holistische Gezondheid

1. Swami Veda Bharati


Learn to Meditate: first step towards peace
€ 16,95
SV002The Light of Ten Thousand Suns€ 16,95
SV003Meditation and the Art of Dying€ 16,95
SV004Mantra & Meditation: Superconscious Meditation, Vol. .€ 18,95
SV005Mahabharata - Bishma€ 16,95
SV006Mantras: The Sacred Chants

Meditation for Pain Management

Meditation: The Unifying Stream in Religion
€ 14,95
SV007Meditation: The Art and Science€ 17,95
SV008Night Birds: The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation:

A collection of short writings
€ 19,95
SV009Philosophy of Hatha Yoga

The Song of Silence: Subtleties in Sadhana
€ 16,95
SV010Song of Yoga

Subtler than Subtle: The Upanishad of the White Horse
€ 10,00
SV011Superconscious Meditation€ 17,95
SV012Wanam: Africa & India. A Spiriual Dialogue€ 16,95
SV013What is Right with the World: Human Urge for Peace€ 16,00
SV014Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Vol. 1€ 31,00
SV015Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Vol. 2

Yogi in the Lab

Jerry, Martin & Marian Jerry, Swami Veda Bharati

Chariot of Sadhana
€ 38,00

2. Swami Rama

SR001Ademen. Nederlandse vertaling van “Breathing”€ 16,95
SR002The Art of Joyful Living

Compiled by B. Maithili. Be Inspired by Swami Rama
€ 16,95
SR003Book of Wisdom: Ishopanishad€ 16,95
SR004Choosing a Path€ 18,95
SR005Conscious Living

Enlightenment without God (Mandukya Upanishad)

The Essence of Spiritual Life

Exercise Without Movement, Manual One
€ 16,95
SR006Exercises forJoints & Glands€ 14,95
SR007Fearless Living: Yoga and Faith.

Freedom from the Bondage of Karma

Happiness is your creation (compiled bij Pandit Rajmani

€ 17,95
SR008A practical guide to Holistic Health

Met hart en ziel gezond, een holistische kijk

Ned. vertaling van Holistic Health door Chris Mouwen.
€ 19,95
SR009Life Here and Hereafter€ 16,95
SR010Song of Yoga

Subtler than Subtle: The Upanishad of the White Horse
€ 10,00
SR011OM the Eternal Witness: Secrets of the Mandukya Upnanishad.€ 17,95
SR012Path of Fire and Light, Volume 1€ 16,95
SR013Path of Fire and Light, Volume 2: A Practical Companion to

Volume 1
€ 16,95
SR014Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita€ 16,95
SR015The Royal Path: Practical Lessons on Yoga

Sacred Journey:Living Purposefully and Dying Gracefully.

Sadhana: The Essence of Spiritual Life.

Sadhana:the Path to Enlightenment. Yoga the Sacred Science

vol. two
€ 16,95
SR016Samadhi: the Highest State of Wisdom:Yoga the Sacred Science.

vol. 1.
€ 16,95
SR017Spirituality: Transformation within & without.€ 16,95
SR018Tussen Wijzen en Dwazen / Living with the Himalayan Masters.€ 22,50
SR019Wisdom of the Ancient Sages: Mundaka Upanishad.€ 17,95
SR020Rama, Swami; Swami Ajaya, Ph.D (1984)

Creative Use of Emotion

Rama, Swami; Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., Swami Ajaya, Ph.D

Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness.
€ 16,95
SR021Rama, Swami; Rudolph Ballentine, Alan Hymes

Science of Breath: A Practical Guide.

Rama, Swami et. al.

Meditation in Chritianity
€ 17,95
Keshaviah, Prakash (ed.)

At the Feet of a Hiamayan Master: Remembering Swami Rama.

Vol. 1.
€ 19,95
SR023Keshaviah, Prakash (ed.)

At the Feet of a Hiamayan Master:Remembering Swami Rama.

Vol. 2.

3. Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati

Gu-Ru: Contemplation on Guru Gita.
€ 19,95
SN002The Five Great Elements Rediscovered€ 16,95
SN003Seeing Yoga: A contemplation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras€ 15,95
SN004Tattva Samasa: Contemplations on the Essence of Sankya€ 16,95

4. Pandit Rashmani Tigunait

The Himalayan Masters: A Living tradition

The Power of Mantra & The Mystery of Initiation

Seven Systems of Indian Philosophy

Tantra Unveiled

Why we Fight:practices for lasting peace

From Death to Birth: Understanding Karma and Reincarnation

The Pursuit of Power and Freedom: Katha Upanishad

5. David Frawley

Yoga and the Sacred Fire

Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Godesses.

Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide.

Vedantic Meditation

Vedanta Meditatie. Ned. vertaling

Ayurveda and the Mind: The Healing of Consciousness

Frawley, David & Sandra Summerfield Kozak

Yoga for your Type

Frawley, David & Subhash Ranade

Ayurveda: Nature’s Medicine

6. Overige auteurs

Ajaya, SwamiYoga Psychology: A Practical Guide to
Ajaya, SwamiPsychotherapy East and West: A Unifying Paradigm
Anderson, Sandra & Rolph SovikYoga: Mastering the Basics

Bala, Sumathi (ed.)

Be Inspired by Swami Rama: Master of the States of Consciousness
Ballentine, RudolphTransition to Vegetarianism
----------- (ed)The Theory and Practice of Meditation
Coulter, H. DavidAnatomy of Hatha Yoga
Deutsch, Eliot & Rohit Dalvi (eds)The Essential Vedanta: A new Source Book of Advaita Vedanta
Jerry, Martin & Marian JerrySutras of the Inner Teacher
Jerry, Martin & Marian Jerry, Swami Veda BharatiChariot of Sadhana
Johnson, LindaMeditation is boring?
-----------Lost Masters: Sages of Ancient Greece
Lakshmanjoo, Swami
Hughes, John (ed.)
Shiva Sutras: The Supreme Awakening.
Nuernberger, PhilFreedom from Stress: A Holistic Approach.
-----------The Quest for Personal Power
-----------The Warrior Sage: Life as Spirit
O’Brien, JustinThe Wellness Tree
-----------Walking with the Himalayan Master
-----------Running and Breathing
Vaswami, J.P.Freedom from Stress
Vivekananda, SwamiVedanta: Stem van Innerlijke Vrijheid
-----------Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga: Conquering the Inner Nature
-----------Lectures from Colombo to Almora
----------- (transl. & intro)The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Wilber, Ken (ed.)Talks with Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing Abiding Peace and
Yogananda, ParamahansaAutobiografie van een Yogi
-----------The Yoga of Jesus
-----------The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You (2 vols).